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House Of Trash (2016)
Collaboration with Melinda Tao and Jessica Ybarra

Original Framework
Repurposed from Jairo Banuelos

Original Framework
Repurposed from Jairo Banuelos

Chicken wire, garbage bags, car tires, bicycle inner-tubes, aluminum cans, tile samples, staples

Front wall, Interrior
Styrofoam, glass bottles, spackle, paint, plastic straws, beads, string

Right wall, interior
picture frames, bathroom rug, found wood, recycled cardboard

Right wall, interior
recycled picture frames, cardboard, styrofoam, repurposed fabric

Finished Exterior
Glass bottles, plastic bottles, styrofoam, picture frames, paint, aluminum cans, car tires, bicycle tire inner-tubes, tile samples, chicken wire, spackle, magazines, plastic toys, found wood

Finished Exterior
Glass bottles, plastic bottles, styrofoam, picture frames, paint, aluminum cans, car tires, bicycle tire inner-tubes, tile samples, chicken wire, spackle, magazines, plastic toys, found wood

Informational Pamphlet

Informational Pamphlet

Informational Pamphlet

Informational Pamphlet
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